Príbeh môjho života. Európsky projekt pre občanov vo veku od 55 rokov. Slovenskí seniori píšu príbehy a skúsenosti zo svojho života.
Príbeh môjho života. Európsky projekt pre občanov vo veku od 55 rokov. Slovenskí seniori píšu príbehy a skúsenosti zo svojho života.
Hello Brigita, I'm not in any team of swimmers, though I like swimming very much. This is just to give you the Minutes of our wonderful stay in Kosice.
Grundtvig – December 2006 – Kosice 12-12-06 to 12-14-06
1 -Skype conference with senior students in January. As many students as possible.
Proposed dates: 25th January or 1st February.
Previously the teachers must have a conference rehearsal.
2 -Topics for the blog and the stories:
In the selection of the topics we must bear in mind that the final booklet should be a comparison of different people from different countries.
It will not be compulsory for the seniors to write about each topic. They are free to choose them, (we mustn’t press them!). We must discuss the topics with the students.
Suggested topics:
1. Animals in my life (Pets).
2. First love/Love story.
3. Travel.
4. Unforgettable moments (the best and the worst ones) and special people in my life.
5. Friends.
6. Schooldays.
7. Family/early childhood/home.
8. Drink and food.
9. Sports and hobbies.
10. My daily routine.
11.Traditions, customs and feasts.
It doesn’t matter if there are grammar mistakes in the seniors’ weblogs. The final booklet will be more precise and correct.
We must control the translation budget to keep money for the booklet as well.
3 -We shall work on these weblogs: This central blog is for general information. It will have links to all the partners’ blogs. Brigita suggests that only seniors’ nicknames appear on this blog. Their profiles will be on the national blogs.
We must write the texts in our national languages and then the English version (sometimes a short summary will be enough, mainly when feelings are not involved- e.g. travels).
We should send Erik photographs and logos of the schools, their web pages and maps of the areas where they are.
Luxembourg’s team will make the design of the weblog.
4 -Company presentations:
-In the group of seniors there are more men than women.
-They have been trained to use msn, e-mail. The course ends in January. They will create their own weblogs.
-The seniors have two lessons a week and Manuel meets them those days.
-Local and national Portuguese press appreciate the project. They have been mentioned on the radio and TV too.
-Since September there were five ladies who work all the skills: e-mails, writing skills, they use passwords, usernames; however they have different levels on IT.
-They have created their own weblogs.
-Diane Boggs’s book is being used. They have already written three stories.
-All the ladies have worked in several occupations before.
-A creative writing trainer has been engaged to teach the seniors and the younger students involved in the project.
-They are having lessons on weblogs and computering.
-There are two groups of students: seniors, who write the stories, and younger students, who correct and post them on the blog.
-The seniors are in the primary level, almost illiterate in some cases. The younger ones are in secondary level.
-The seniors are already writing their stories on the national blog.
-The school has fewer seniors for the project than the foreseen number.
-They have university level.
The partners agree to keep a more frequent contact from January on.
5 -Booklets:
-The ideal end line to admit stories should be March 10th (proposal from Luxembourg’s team).
-Zylina will be in charge of printing and design.
-Dates of Gran Canaria meeting: 19th-25th March.
-Dates of Portugal meeting: 25th-30th June.
6 -Checklist for the edition of the booklet
Information for the designer/printer in red
Ok? TASK Agreements/Comment
Deadline for final version Agreed for 10.03.07
Volume for one story Agreed: 1 page format A4; Type size 14; font: times New Roman, interline 1.5, margins
How many stories shall be published? Voting in GC
Who does the proof reading? Chapman for English via the blog, National languages to be proofread in every country.
Format of the booklet Agreed format: A5
Type of paper Choose among three types in GC
4-colour print? Choice to be made according to quote
Cover Agreed: paper back
N° of copies for each country has to be given Bulk offer, in different quantities
Volume of the booklet Agreed: +- 200 pages
Printed version deadline Agreed: 25.06.07, how long does the printing take? Mock version ready for conference in June
Shipping How long does the shipping take?
Print screen of every partners storyblog in the booklet Where to be placed?
Organisation of the booklet according to what? Topics, languages, partners??? To be discussed in GC, after the selection of the stories
How many topics? Agreed: 14
Publish the profile of the seniors Agreed
Profile: 4 lines at the end of the booklet Agreed: name, no age, but gender, country, former job
Publish group photo from every partner group Agreed
Give name of story writer at the end of each story Agreed: i.e. José, GC, Spain
Write introduction in all partner languages Agreed: Fara gives the model
Layout of the title and back page To be decided in GC, designer makes 3 proposals
Title of the booklet To be decided in GC
Organisation of the content list To be decided in GC
Acknowledgements Agreed: only NA with contact names
Introductory word of NA and ministries or other officials Agreed: no
Introductory word of partner institutions Agreed: yes but only 3-4 lines
Where shall we put the logos of our organisations? To be decided in GC
Socrates Logo on cover Front or back to be decided in GC
Presentation of each partner, names of coordinators Agreed: model according to Brigitas manuscript
Where to put the web addresses? To be decided in GC
Coordinator of all the elements? Jana; GHP helps with collecting
7 -Concerning translation
We agreed on the following:
- Every story can be published on the storyblog of each partner organization in the national language.
- Every published story should be translated into English on the blog.
- The booklet will contain at least one story per topic in the national language and in English.
- We will proceed to voting in GC, during the selection procedure.
- Each partner brings ten stories for the selection.
- Each partner chooses their best story, which will be translated into all partner languages (max. 5 stories into 5 languages, PT, SK, ES, ENG, GER).
- The budget for translation costs needs to be given in GC. Luxemburg will make a quote.
- French, Luxemburgish and German, although they are no project languages, are allowed for the Luxemburgish seniors.
10 stories incl. the best story x 5 partners= 50 stories
50 stories – 5 best stories = 45 stories x 2 languages (nat. and English) = 90 stories.
9 -Meeting in Gran Canaria (March 2007):
Spanish partners only must find an accommodation for the rest of the partners and the seniors, preferably in the south of the island. No official program shall be held. Only the seniors will have programmed activities, such as, several meetings with Spanish seniors. Mr Chapman (Luxembourg) could be in charge of all the visiting seniors.
In the meeting in Portugal the seniors will have more chances to interact.
10 -Every partners must make a list of the seniors with this information:
-First name.
-E-mail address.
-Level of education:
. Illiterate.
. Primary.
. Secondary.
. University.
Olá colegas de projecto eu sou uma colega Portuguesa,a Maria José esteve com algumas em convivio nas Canárias.Força para continuar com o projecto até ao fim. Um abraço dos amigos portugueses, maria José e marido.
Olá colegas Slovakia, sou uma colega portuguesa! Esteve nas Canárias com a voça professora Brigita e mais colegas, gostei muito de estar em convivio com elas agora gostava de estar com vosco em Portugal se for possivel.Cá vos espero.Força para continuar em frente com oprojecto, que é fantástico.Quem diria, que á distancia de milhares de quilometros iríamos estar em sintonia, na escrita e em tecnologia!!!Não acham que é maravilhoso?Um abraço para todosum maior para as que já conheço.Maria José e marido
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