Príbeh môjho života. Európsky projekt pre občanov vo veku od 55 rokov. Slovenskí seniori píšu príbehy a skúsenosti zo svojho života.
Príbeh môjho života. Európsky projekt pre občanov vo veku od 55 rokov. Slovenskí seniori píšu príbehy a skúsenosti zo svojho života.
Hello Friends ,
Let me introduce myself , I was born in Košice /Kassa,Caschau, Cassovia/in the Slovak Republic.
I am 70 years old. I studied mechanical engineering and pedagogic at university.
I started my professional career as a teacher and later I became the headmaster of the Košice Technical High School which is one of the oldest intitutions of its kind in Europe
I retired 10 years ago and since that time I have devoted most of my free time to my hobbies.
Due to the fact that I had been teaching in of the oldest technicals high schools in Europe my interest in the history of my school and later in the history of my native city grew day by day.
I collected all possible documents which dealt with history of my school including the complete list of teachers and students since the foundation of the school in 1872.In the year 2006 I published a book called „ Catalouge of Teachers and Undergraduates of the Košice Technical High School“/see the cover of my book in the picture supplement/
.I spend long hours taking photos of interesting buildings and I often imagine what life could have been like there many years even centuries ago.I take photograps of still existing coats of arms, and all kinds of memorial tablets.I have collected more than 480 pictures of these artefacts.
Košice has a long and rich history, you can always find something new, surprising…..a lifetime is not long enogh to discover all its secrets.
Juraj Bauer
I have been working as a researcher for a big iron and steel company for many years.
My work is rather demanding,it requires a lot of concentration and also to deal with a lot of people . It is not a kind of regular 9 to 5job, the hours can be quite quite long especially when we are trying to find a solution to an urgent problem.I also have to keep up with the latest news in the field of my specialisation which is metallurgy.It is rather time cosuming and tiring too.
In the evenings I am usually exhausted , I just browse my favourite daily paper quickly, I always start with the sports page because this is what I am really intersted in, then watch the news on TV and my day is over.
One day a colleague of mine came up with the idea of buying ourselves and our families a small hobby garden.He knew about a location , which was not far from the place we lived , where a new „hobby garden colony“ was planned to set up. .He though it would be a good idea to spend at least the weekends in the fresh air .Gardening, in his opinion, was both useful and relaxing . A few days later we went out together to have a closer look at the place where our „future gardens“ might be situated. Well, it was „love at first sight“, I found the palce absolutely breathtaking, there was a meadow surrouded by a forest and a brook running at the bottom of the meadow. Who could ask for more?We made up our minds immediatelly.
After having arranged all „formalities „ I had already started planning. Although it was late autumn I set to work , I was so restless that I did not even wait for having my garden staked out properly. I dug enormous holes to plant young fruit trees,got rid of weed, did all the hard and dull work My colleague was more relaxed, he said it was time to start in spring, but I could not wait so long.
I was counting days, I could not wait for the long dull winter time to be over.
With the first rays of spring sunshine I was out to check if my garden is still there, it was there, but there was a complete stranger with a happy smile on his face inspecting the fruit trees, as I found later I planted my trees in my neighbours garden…………….
At this point I gave up gardening as a hobby.
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